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  5. Newspapers and how advertisers get the most for their money

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In such a competitive media environment, advertisers want to ensure that they get maximum benefit from every penny they spend.

With the vast array of media choices, the decision can sometimes come down to simple things like habit and ease of implementation, as opposed to transparent proof that a particular medium actually works, and provides Return on Investment.

Newspapers are still one of the most effective forms of advertising,  but how can advertisers ensure that their advertisements are seen, their messages are clear and more importantly that they encourage the audience to take action?

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Research & Analysis of Media (RAM) is a media research organisation specialising in measuring how advertising and editorial content works using a our database of hundreds of case studies.

Here’s what advertisers already know makes a good advertisement, so compare that to how newspapers deliver these key components.

A good advertisement must:

    • Be memorable and easily recalled
    • Provide information quickly
    • Provide a benefit to the reader
    • Be likeable
    • Be distinctive
    • Clearly communicate your business at just a glance
    • Call the reader to action

From over 650 case studies from newspapers in the UK & Ireland, advertisers cannot afford to ignore the power of what they offer. Every day, advertisers question whether readers see their ads, engage with them, enjoy them, and take action on them.

The answer is simply YES in all cases. More than half of all advertisements are seen, remembered and clearly linked to the advertised brand.

Newspaper advertisements offer the chance for advertisers to communicate their business in a clear, simple format. With 69% of readers finding newspaper advertisements easy to understand and 46% viewing them as a means of finding out new information, the advertising community has the chance to convey their key strengths in just one simple advertisement.


Newspapers are effective across all industries. Food & Drink ads have an average recall of 64%, whilst Computing, IT & Clothing advertisements enjoy recall figures of 56%.

Whilst many advertisers think that readers find advertising intrusive, quite the contrary, 39% of readers find the advertising interesting and 37% of them find the ads appealing.

Advertising is an integral part of UK newspapers, and readers rely on them for valuable information that helps in their buying decisions.Clearly newspapers are still a strong, influencing factor in readers’ buying decisions.

By producing simple, clear, appealing advertisements, advertisers can ensure they receive the kinds of results from which others are clearly benefitting.

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  • All figures produced in this are taken from the RAM database of UK & Ireland printed ad measurements since the beginning of 2013.If you would like to discuss how your business can benefit from RAM, and would like to discuss how you can create strong case studies for your newsbrands, get in touch with Dianne Newman, CEO, RAM UK & Ireland. E-mail